Local energy offices (One Stop Shops): Interactive in-person workshop
How to develop your local energy efficiency, energy poverty and renovation services at local level: obstacles and solutions
PLACE: ZAGREB, CROATIA (Novinarski Dom, Perkovceva ulica 2, Zagreb)
TIME: June 29th, 2022 at 9.30 am
Duration: 1.5 h
Description: Through the workshop, we will explore the best practices on developing energy offices (one-stop shops for renovation) at local level. We want to open the discussion on how to organise your energy office that serves citizens directly; what is needed and how to overcome the most common obstacles and develop successful practices.
Audience: municipalities interested in OSS and their role in alleviating energy poverty
Moderators: MIljenka Kuhar ( DOOR energy center,Zagreb) and Masha Tarle (representing PadovaFIT Expanded project)
Organisers: DOOR and PadovaFIT Expanded project (under the framework of the Energy Poverty Conference under EPAH)
Format : workshop style, with 10 min introduction to the workshop and objectives by moderators
20 min guided discussion in groups on the topic of obstacles to OSS at local level
20 min guided discussions in groups on the topic of possible solutions to the obstacles
40 min of common discussions and how existing projects deal with the challenges ( Projects on OSS such as PadovaFIT Expanded, Powerpoor, etc.)
NOTE: depending on the number of participants, we might change the format and number of groups.
Workshop concept note and description.